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Formation RésiliAnge - Pédagogie psycho-comportementale
Marion Montignies Consultante agréée et

Marion Montignies is a psycho-behavioral consultant

approved and certified Herrmann France-Europe

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Level 2: handling sensitive situations and responding to objections

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Beyond basic communication techniques, an employee is increasingly expected to develop a certain finesse in approaching the customer. He must learn to recognize typical personality profiles in order to adopt an appropriate behavior (formulation, gestures, choice of products).

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There is no question of serving everyone the same standardized discourse. They must also learn to deal with delicate situations (objections, refusals, demands, aggression, lack of listening, etc.) by providing constructive responses.

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Educational objective:

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Acquire knowledge of the psycho-behavioral profiles of clients, adapt their discourse and proposals, master the techniques of responding to objections, adapt their professional behavior to circumstances.

Centre d'Hypnose thérapeutique resiliange



+ 336.

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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