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HBDI®: a tool for assessment and management
Ned Herrmann's approach to brain preferences, based on research by neurobiologists Roger Sperry and Paul McLean on cerebral functioning, the American researcher Ned Herrmann has linked cerebral lateralization and information processing.
He has shown that people "select" the stimuli that trigger their actions based on their "brain preferences".
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Based on this approach, Ned Herrmann developed the HBDI® (Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument®) questionnaire, which, after treatment, produces a person's “Brain Preferences Profile®”.
Thus it becomes possible to understand how our professional choices, our way of working, learning, managing and communicating are influenced by our brain preferences.
Ned Herrmann has developed a grid that functions as a simplified map of the human mind.
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HBDI®: a tool for guidance and training
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Brain preferences and learning styles
During the learning process, different parts of the brain intervene unevenly from person to person.
Experience has shown that there is an important correlation between a person's profile of Brain Preferences, their professional activity and their acquisition style. The Whole Brain® teaching and learning concept makes it possible to teach and learn better and faster, taking into account different learning styles.
If human resources development professionals are satisfied with this approach after having used it many times, it is because it has proven to be effective for a large number of learners in a wide variety of fields.
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The Herrmann profile and orientation
For the Herrmann tool, there is no right or wrong answer per se. It is neither a test in the psychotechnical sense of the term, nor a means of evaluating intellectual performance of the IQ type.
In the field of guidance, the Herrmann profile makes it possible to clarify the nature of the subjects in which a person will be most comfortable and the fields in which he will have more difficulties.
a comprehensive and precise approach to personality
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The Psycho-behavioral approach of the individual by the Herrmann method is based on the theory demonstrated by neuroscience (two “brains” = cortical and limbic, two hemispheres = right and left), according to which each individual has a cerebral profile which is clean and that it develops and strengthens throughout its life. Depending on their socio-cultural, family, school, professional background, experiences and significant encounters, each person activates and solicits in a more or less intense way this or that part of his brain.
Thus the individual develops more or less important cerebral preferences on:
the right brain (intuitive and global)
the left brain (logical and analytical),
the limbic brain (emotional and affective)
the cortical brain (reflected, conceptual and speculative).
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Each person therefore has a unique mental map that allows them to perceive the world, and a fortiori the various professional tasks, through the prism of their brain preferences. It is therefore very obvious that some people will be more efficient and more efficient in certain positions and missions than in others which will require more effort, more energy for a less satisfactory and less efficient result.
The Herrmann brain preference profile is produced from a questionnaire which quantifies on a scale of approximately 0 to 160, the degree of individual use (avoidance, use, preference, strong preference) of each of the four quadrants of the brain. :
left cortical
(problem solving, mathematics, technique, analysis, logic)
left limbic (control, planning, organization, administration, attachment to traditional values)
right limbic (verbal, musician, spiritualist, emotional / affective, good at human contact)
The use of brain preference profiles also finds many other applications:
Career reorientation
School support (by a more gentle approach)
Interpersonal relationship (outside the workplace)
Self-confidence, self-esteem ...
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