Neuro Coaching
Impossible is not "coaching"!
Leaving a winner without being invalidated by apparent failures is therefore a good way to live. Coaching is therefore in line with all the pioneers of Positive Thinking, from Émile Coué to Joseph Murphy, including Norman Vincent Peale.
It is about reprogramming a mind that an education had a little too restrained with negative injunctions, conscious or unconscious. In addition, coaching support has the advantage of helping to set goals that take reality into account.
If we can say that impossible is not coaching, it is by no means an illusory omnipotence that is in question but rather a new adaptability generating a real well-being ...
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
At the same time “passeur” and “facilitator”, Marion Montignies accompanies people to “dare to live fully what they are” and this goes through stages of questioning for which the accompanied finds the answers and the necessary resources by himself. . Coaching beyond personal development that helps people achieve a better life for them, in line with their own life goals. Today, the Neuro-Coaching approach is increasingly popular with individuals and businesses alike.
Resilient Neuro-Coaching or life coaching is the contemporary name of a support system that belongs to the heritage of humanity. Socrates immortalized him in his time… This relative simplicity consists in being there, in presence, and in welcoming the other as he is, in his entirety: body, soul and spirit. I welcome a person who expresses a request.
I receive her with kindness, availability and I accompany her until she finds by herself the answers to her questions and that she thrives thanks to a goal achieved.
My tools: the art of questioning, NLP, Hypnosis, Sophrology, Behavioral Psychology, Morpho-psychology, Naturopathy, Reiki, psychoanalysis, Neurosciences ....
Contrary to certain mediatized representations of coaching, Neuro-Coaching welcomes and supports the person in what is alive and deep in him. The support system put in place inevitably leads to a process of evolution and transformation.
The difference between a coach and a Neuro-Coach: “It will not have escaped your notice that“ the world of coaching ”conveys different sensibilities. For many, the coach is the one who knows, who has the right formula and who tries to instill "in his foal". He was then a trainer, trainer and advisor. The Neuro-coach evolves on another ground. It offers a system based on the support relationship.
It involves a particular relational dynamic, that of allowing the customer to find the answers to his questions by himself.
The Neuro-Coach postulates that only the coachee can find the most complete, fairest and most relevant answer for himself. For this, the Neuro-Coach must acquire great finesse and subtlety in the art of questioning and supporting the client so that he reaches where it makes sense for him.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
The coach's intention is to increase the client's degree of awareness of living what he wants to experience, of deciding what is most appropriate and of finding in him the necessary resources to achieve it.
The great benefits for the client to enroll in such an approach is the expansion of his existence, he clarifies his needs, becomes aware of his deep aspirations and finds in himself the means and capacities to embody them!
It's much more than personal development! Of course, the accompanied acquires more confidence, autonomy, authenticity, power, creativity and the ability to live relationships or projects with fluidity and accuracy.
But above all, Neuro-Coaching favors the expression of basic needs, enlightens them and facilitates the emergence of strategies to satisfy them.
Neuro-Coaching liberates and pushes to action. There is for the accompanied clarification, understanding, mobilization and implementation. It's not just about dreaming of a better life, it's about fulfilling it. The progress is subtle, deep, fulfilling and it pushes to consider differently the link to the other, as well as the art and the way of being in interaction differently with the outside world. ”
Neuro-Coaching engages the client to become aware of his deep aspirations and to position himself more correctly in his life, by receiving and welcoming reality as it is for him. The coachee is thus led to work with objectivity, lucidity and clairvoyance in his daily life. For the latter, this presupposes preferring to develop liberating, innovative and fulfilling relational and behavioral strategies rather than to fight head-on against the obvious. And then, Neuro-Coaching emphasizes the fact that everyone is interdependent with others. There is certainly a consideration of deep needs and the need to achieve them, but taking care of the present relationships with others.
For any Neuro-Coach, there is an essential premise: each person has value and demands to be considered as they are, wherever they are. The legitimacy of being recognized for what it is, lays the basic relational contract between the coach and the supported person.
The coach does not exert any influence on the coachee and he does not seek to guide or format him. He accompanies the client where he wishes to go, simply ensuring to facilitate his progress through questions and benevolent support.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
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