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Naturopathie by RésiliAnge
Naturopathy - Nutrition

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

"The strength that is in us is our greatest doctor"

H ippocrat e

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

"I use Naturopathy in association with all the tools presented on this site

for a global and holistic care of the human being. "

Objective: to connect body and mind
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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Naturopathy is a science that helps maintain human health by natural means.

It considers man as a whole.

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That is to say, it helps him on his different planes of existence, interactive and indivisible: physical, energetic, psychological (mental and moral) and spiritual.

In our modern environment, health too often becomes a goal to be achieved - or to be regained - and not an asset to be preserved.

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Naturopathy makes us aware that the human body is a living mechanism which is self-sustaining on condition that it is maintained in a healthy and natural environment (hygiene of life, food).

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She teaches how to live healthily, how to take care of yourself and your environment. They say it is educational.

It is also intended to be preventive: by optimizing our physical, mental and spiritual health, by respecting the natural laws of life, the human body should no longer have any reason to "fall ill". But life is such that there is always the possibility of an imbalance in the state of health or intoxication of the organism.

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Naturopathy will therefore help the vital regeneration and self-repair of the body, thanks to a healthy and balanced diet, physical exercises and relaxation, all this adapted to each individual. It is the art of staying healthy by respecting natural laws, and the art of treating disease by trusting nature.

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Naturopathy does not cure the symptoms of the disease; it puts the body back in conditions conducive to strengthening the self-healing and restorative vital energy. The central pillar of naturopathy is the organism's "self-healing" capacity which can, on its own, restore the balance necessary for its proper physiological and psychological functioning and naturopathy supports this vital force thanks to natural means and ancestral techniques.

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The Constitution of the WHO (World Health Organization) defines Health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and does not consist only of the absence of disease or infirmity". Listed as "traditional Western medicine", naturopathy is a human science which ensures this well-being through natural means.

Based on 4 essential concepts (article 26 of its FENAHMAN charter):

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- Knowledge, respect and implementation of the self-healing vital force.
- Non iatrogenic
- Holistic conception of man in his spiritual, psychological, energetic and somatic realities.
- Prevention: primacy of a healthy lifestyle.

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Naturopathy thus contributes to the promotion of global and lasting health, which does not replace conventional medicine but complements it.

It is in perfect complementarity with other health, medical and / or paramedical practices.

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Hippocratic Principles

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The therapy is based on four fundamental principles, which gave birth to the 7 essential rules of naturopathy.

1. To be useful, or at least not to harm, PRIMUM NIL NOCERE, to fight the evil by its opposite, CONTRARIA CONTRARIUS: a phlegmatic, “cold” and “damp” patient will need warming remedies; a bloated blood, refreshing.

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2. Fighting evil with its opposite is at the origin of the word ALLOPATHIC which is used to characterize the great Western medical tradition. Allopathic comes from the Greek word allos, which means other.

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3. Measure and moderation

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4. Everything in its time. An intervention can be harmful one day and save the patient's life the next.

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Hippocrates is a trainer

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To these 4 fundamental principles can be added a 5th, which shows that Hippocrates has the quality of a teacher. It is about the way of expressing things. In a few words, the essential is said, in a few words, we are led to think, to want to make links, to understand. Hippocrates uses a process that most wise men use: the aphorism. The aphorism is a very short sentence which is sufficient on its own. The aphorism is a short thought which leads us to keep on thinking.

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Principles established by Hippocrates and which still remain the bases of the Naturotherapeutic action:

  1. "primum non nocere": first to do no harm

  2. "vis medicatrix naturae": nature is a healer

  3. "tolle causam": identify and treat the cause

  4. "purgare turkey": detoxify and purify the body

  5. "docere": Naturotherapy teaches

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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The 7 rules in Naturopathy

Naturopathy is governed by seven essential rules:

"Primum non nocere", "Vis medicatrix naturae", "tolle causam", "docere".

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- Above all do not harm ("Primum non nocere")

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Minimize the risk of side effects and avoid suppressing symptoms. Symptoms of an illness (fever, for example) may be manifestations of a healing process. Therefore, their outright removal can cause more harm than good. Therapeutic interventions must therefore promote the natural healing process and not counter it.

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- Nature is healing ("Vis medicatrix naturae")

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This is the concept of vitalism. Vital energy enables self-healing. Naturopathic medicine seeks to improve this process. Every living being is animated by a vital force. This life energy is an intelligent force which always tends towards health, against and against all the vagaries of existence, and gives us a capacity for self-healing. One of the most remarkable actions revealed by this self-healing power is healing: wounds heal and bones heal naturally.
The body has the inherent ability to maintain health and restore it when it has lost it. At the heart of the living organism are the life forces to achieve this. The role of the doctor or therapist is to facilitate access to these forces by discovering and removing the obstacles that stand in the way.


- Identify and eliminate the cause ("tolle causam")

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Identify the causes of health disorders and treat them with natural methods. This is the concept of causalism: search for the causes (origin) of disorders, while allopathy, according to naturopaths, is content to treat symptoms. Simply suppressing the symptoms (fevers, pains, coughs, pimples, etc.) without understanding the causes is acting against Life and preparing the organism for real lesional or degenerative diseases which gradually destroy it. fire.
Restoring the natural balance can only be done by working on the causes at the origin of this disorder.

- Treat the whole person

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Naturopathy adds the concept of holism (from the Greek "holos", whole): It is a "holistic" medicine, which intends to treat the person as a whole, that is to say his body, his mind, its emotions, its social or spiritual aspect, and even its energy.

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- Naturopathy teaches (Docere)

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The therapist is an educator. The techniques of prevention and education of the person improve their hygiene of life. It will thus be able to develop its vital force, maintain itself in health and develop its power of self-healing. This is the concept of naturism (for English speakers) or hygienism (for French people): the desire to live healthily and to take care of oneself using natural techniques and herbal medicine.

The naturopath is the ally of the self-healing vital force: he stimulates it, goes in its direction, awakens its power, it helps to restore health.
The doctor must guide his patient on the road to recovery and help him maintain his health in a natural way. He must therefore teach him to take care of himself and to take charge of his own healing process, according to the following principles:

- The holistic approach. The therapist explains to the patient that his illness is the result of a complex set of interactions between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes, and that he should intervene on each of them.

- Food. He teaches him how to eat so that he gets all the nutrients he needs for his health, so as to avoid resorting to synthetic drugs or surgery.

- Prevention. Finally, he teaches him how to act on his environment and his lifestyle in order to maximize his strength and well-being and, ultimately, reduce the risk of disease.


- Prevention is the best cure

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Detoxify and purify the organism (Deinde purgare): eliminate toxins. This is the concept of humorism: the old Hippocratic theory of moods is modernized.
The blood, lymph and intra and extracellular fluids are victims of clogging, at the origin of health disorders. Waste (or toxins) that are not eliminated naturally cause disease (toxemia theory). These toxins come from outside (poor diet, pollution, stimulants, chemical drugs, cosmetics, etc.) or from inside (deficiencies, sedentary lifestyle, stress, dysfunctions of the liver, lungs, kidneys, intestines, poor mental attitude or emotional).


- Establish health and well-being

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The disease is often explained by the production of toxins, generated by a poor diet (too much sugar, fat, gluten, not enough vitamins and minerals). Toxins, the cause of disease, are also generated by the modern world: beauty products can poison the skin; pollution and tobacco can poison the lungs; alcohol, coffee, sugar, fats, additives or drugs can poison the liver and intestines, salt, drugs or excess meat can poison the kidneys; heavy metal pollution poisons the whole body.

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Centre d'Hypnose thérapeutique resiliange

Les limites de la naturopathie

Attention cependant, dans le cas de pathologies lourdes, la naturopathie ne peut pas être LA solution thérapeutique. Elle peut éventuellement trouver sa place en complément d'approches médicales complémentaires.

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